The worst practice that ruins your formatting

When finishing essays, I used to hit the Enter key on my keyboard to move to the next page, usually for references or works cited. I would hit that button several times. Like Enter, Enter, Enter, Enter, Enter, Enter, Enter, Enter, ad nauseam. Surely, I’m not the only one who used to do this. Right? Maybe you still do that. But don’t you hate it when any changes you make later in your document (additions, deletions) throw off your last page?

Enter (no pun intended) the Page Break. By inserting a simple page break (ctrl or command+Enter), you make a clean jump to the next page. Any later changes on previous pages won’t affect the new page, in this case my reference section. It’s set and sturdy.

So the next time you want to start a new page for your next chapter or references section, enough with the Enters. Keep it simple with Page Break.